Smart Locks vs Keyless Entry Systems: Which One Wins the Battle for Ultimate Security?

August 19, 2021

Are you still using the traditional lock and key system for your home or office? Well, it's time for an upgrade! With technology rapidly evolving, traditional locks are no longer the best choice for safety and security. Smart locks and keyless entry systems are now popular options for many homeowners and offices. But which one to choose?

At Flare Compare, we've put together a comparison between smart locks and keyless entry systems to help you make an informed decision:

Smart Locks

Smart locks are a new generation of locks that integrate with other smart home devices or Internet of Things (IoT) devices. With a smart lock, you can lock and unlock your door remotely using your smartphone or voice commands, and some models also come with keypads or fingerprint scanners.

Smart locks offer an added layer of safety and security, as the data exchanged over networks is encrypted, and some models even have built-in alarms that can be triggered if someone tries to tamper with them.

Keyless Entry Systems

Keyless entry systems are electronic locks that use a touchpad or biometrics (like fingerprints or facial recognition) to grant access to the door. Keyless entry systems offer several advantages over traditional locks – you don't have to worry about losing or forgetting your keys, and you can grant temporary access to family members, visitors and service providers.

Keyless entry systems are easy to install, and some models work with smart home devices such as Alexa or Google Home, so you can control the lock with voice commands. Some models also offer advanced features like time-based access, audit trails and alerts.


Smart locks and keyless entry systems both offer advanced features compared to traditional locks. But which one is better? Here are some comparisons:

Feature Smart Locks Keyless Entry Systems
Remote access Yes, using your smartphone or voice commands No, only proximity access or digital passcodes
Convenience Easy to install and use No need to carry keys or remember passcodes
Security Encrypted data transfer and built-in alarms Advanced biometrics like facial and fingerprint recognition
Integration Works with other smart home devices and IoT devices Works with smart home devices like Alexa or Google Home
Cost Expensive Affordable


Choosing between a smart lock and a keyless entry system ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you want the ability to access and control your lock remotely or integrate with other smart home devices, then smart locks are the way to go. If you prioritize advanced biometrics and affordability, then a keyless entry system is a better option.

We hope our comparison has been useful in helping you make the right choice for your home or office.


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